Monday, November 23, 2009
Design Lessons from Nature
Sunday, November 15, 2009
A Strange Shoe

There is a type of traditional footware in Italy called "la ciocia" (pl. cioce or ciocie).
At first, it appeared to me that the form of this shoe was just the result of a strange fashion trend of ages past. But, I was surprised to find this footware is actually functional.
An article on the website of "The People of Ciocaria" Anthropological Museum says the following:
"Negli ultimi secoli sono state per eccellenza le calzature autocostruite piu' economiche; realizzabili con pelli bovine, ovine, suine, bufaline ed asinine, naturali o conciate, erano robuste ed adatte per camminare su campi lavorati e su percorsi impervi, nonchè resistenti a lavori usuranti, come la vangatura."
(In the last centuries they [la ciocia] have been the best self-constructed and economic footware; able to be made from the skin of cows, sheep, pigs, buffalo or donkeys, natural or tanned, they are robust and adapted for walking during daily labor and over broken paths, as well being able to withstand tough work like tilling soil.)
According to some sources, the design of la ciocia developed from the military footware of ancient Roman soldiers.
I was surprised to read that these bizarre looking shoes actually have a well tailored design for the functions that they were used for in the past.

Thursday, November 12, 2009
Technology Snobs