Monday, November 2, 2009

Technology Education

One of the highlights of my trips to Virginia was watching my grandparents experience Skype for the first time. My aunt often uses this application to communicated with her three children when they are away from home.

My grandmother and I talked a little bit about computers after her experience with Skype. She told me that she just doesn't feel she needs a computer. Evidently, my grandfather had offered to buy her one at some point, but she passed it up. She seemed very concerned about having to deal with computer viruses. I can't say it's an irrational fear. As advanced as computer technology is, there still is a lot to deal with as far as computer maintenance, unless of course, you are part of the small population of apple users, like myself. Mac's seem to be miraculously immune to viruses. The reason is supposedly that the people who create viruses don't bother targeting macs because it is such a small percentage of the population.

Perhaps technology will soon be advanced enough that people like my grandmother won't have to worry about the upkeep of the computer, and can enjoy the advantages of technology without the hassle.

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